
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Evenimente culturale şi sportive în programul de duminică la Serbările Unirii

Evenimente culturale şi sportive în programul de duminică la Serbările Unirii Alba Iulia găzduieşte duminică alte evenimente interesante din programul Serbărilor Unirii. Cei care doresc pot participa la competiţii sportive şi la evenimente culturale. Duminică au loc finalele Cupei Unirii la tenis şi festivitatea de premiere a ... Evenimente culturale şi sportive în programul de duminică la Serbările Unirii

Activists In Egypt Call For Rally Ahead Of Vote

Activists In Egypt Call For Rally Ahead Of Vote Activists are calling for Egyptians to turn out on Tahrir Square in Cairo today a day ahead of the start of a parliamentary election. The interim government led by Essam Sharaf resigned last week as protests against army rule intensified in Cairo and ... Activists In Egypt Call For Rally Ahead Of Vote

光星学院が初優勝 野球・明治神宮大会、高校の部

光星学院が初優勝 野球・明治神宮大会、高校の部 野球の第42回明治神宮大会最終日は27日、東京・神宮球場で決勝があり、高校の部は光星学院(東北・青森)が6―5で愛工大名電(東海・愛知)を下し、初優勝を果たした。東北地区は来春の選抜大会で出場校数が1増になる「神宮枠」を獲得し、計3校になる。 ... 光星学院が初優勝 野球・明治神宮大会、高校の部

Health gives Lulay edge in battle of Grey Cup QBs

Health gives Lulay edge in battle of Grey Cup QBs By Allen Cameron, Postmedia News November 26, 2011 6:58 PM BC Lions' quarterback Travis Lulay (R) talks to the waterboy during their walk through practice in Vancouver, British Columbia, November 26, 2011. The BC Lions will play the Winnipeg Blue ... Health gives Lulay edge in battle of Grey Cup QBs


J1昇格かけ決戦 四国で初のサッカーJ1昇格を目指すJ2徳島ヴォルティスは27日、ポカリスエットスタジアム(鳴門市)で昇格争いのライバルのサガン鳥栖と対戦する。もう一つのライバル、コンサドーレ札幌が26日に2―0で湘南ベルマーレに勝って勝ち点65に伸ばし、試合のなかった ... J1昇格かけ決戦

Pakistan asks US to vacate Shamsi airbase within 15 days

Pakistan asks US to vacate Shamsi airbase within 15 days ISLAMABAD: Pakistan today asked the US to vacate an airbase that has reportedly been used by American drones and closed NATO supply routes in response to a cross-border air strike by the coalition aircraft that killed 28 Pakistani soldiers. ... Pakistan asks US to vacate Shamsi airbase within 15 days


阿娇版上官婉儿曝光(图) 湖南卫视正在热播的宫廷传奇大剧《武则天秘史》渐入尾声。前晚,钟欣桐饰演的上官婉儿正式曝光,以中性古装扮相帅气出镜的阿娇在剧中大玩"藏心术",显一代才女风范。 此前网络曝光的剧照中,阿娇身穿特制唐朝女官服,清丽 ... 阿娇版上官婉儿曝光(图)

Iceland rejects Chinese bid for resort land

Iceland rejects Chinese bid for resort land By ANNA ANDERSEN Iceland on Friday rejected a controversial application by one of China's wealthiest entrepreneurs to purchase land for a resort, saying there was no precedent for a foreigner to own such a large tract. ... Iceland rejects Chinese bid for resort land

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